C# is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language that is widely used by software engineers. Developed by Microsoft, C# is widely used for building Windows applications, web applications, games using Unity, and various other types of software.
If you are into software, you must have been familiar with the C# programming language, but have you ever heard of C# delegates? To define shortly, a C# delegate is a reference type variable that holds the reference to a method, and this reference can be changed during runtime. In other words, a delegate is actually a reference to a method. While objects can be straightforwardly passed as parameters into methods, constructors, or other constructs, dealing with methods is a bit more intricate.
What’s the Use of Delegates in C#?
Delegates are commonly used for implementing events and callback methods in C#. So that users can define a method in one part of the code and then pass a reference to that method to another part of the code, allowing it to be called back later.
C# delegates are also used for event handling since they provide a way to subscribe to and handle events raised by objects. This is a significant feature in graphical user interface (GUI) programming and other event-driven scenarios.
So, if you don’t want to miss out on such a key skill in programming, you are in the right place with SST Technology. As SSTTEK, we make use of C# and provide back-end development training, which also covers the essential information about C# programming language, under the name of SSTTEK Academy. Learning C# has never been easier! Choose SSTTEK Academy’s meticulously-prepared bootcamps to delve into the world of C# and gain the expertise sought after by .Net developers in the industry.

Types of C# Delegates
There are two types of delegates that can be used in C#.
Singlecast Delegate: This points to just one method, making it the simplest kind of delegate. You declare it using the “delegate” keyword and the method’s signature.
Multicast Delegate: This type can point to and use multiple methods. It’s like a list of delegates, and when you use it, it runs all the methods in that list. Combining delegates into a multicast delegate is done using the “+=” operator.
While these are the two fundamental types of delegates in C#, there are also built-in delegate types provided by the .NET Framework, such as Action and Func, which handle different situations with parameters and return types.